mercredi 13 avril 2016

#9 Live in the moment

It is clearly impossible to appreciate your present life if you spend most of your time regretting the past and fretting the future. Living in the present moment is the key to true happiness!

Life seems to slow down and become more manageable when you begin living fully in the present moment. You'll also find more energy -both physical and mental - when you stop to constantly micromanaging your mind.

Imagine waking each new morning filled with the excitement of not knowing exactly what the day will hold. Sure you may be going to your regular job and engaging many of your regular activities, but because you live in the moment there is no sense of turmoil or subtle resistance wearing you down.

And throughout each day, imagine the freedom you'll feel as you find and follow the flow of life. Rather than trying to talk yourself through every waking moment you will be listening to your intuition and acting according to your inner guidance system.
Never mind anything that has happened before right now. And let go of anything that might happen at a later time!

The author, Henry Miller once said “ Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognise it as such.” The only moment in which we can truly be happy is the present moment. The only moment over which we have control is the present moment. So be happy now! Because if not now, then when?

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